Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hello World

So, many people work in a preschool. We have the job of teaching children in their formative years. Not only that but, we are second mothers to the children and work with a ton of women. This leads me the point of my blog. There is so much estrogen in my preschool and I am sure there is tons of estrogen in others people schools. Any time you put more than three women in one place there is bound to be fights and funny things happening. So, I think that it would be fun to write about my days and the things that happen through out my day. I will try to write about what happen is the school and in my classroom. Maybe you(the reader) have ideas that I could use in my classroom or maybe you can get a laugh about the funny fights that happen in the school. Whatever you get out of my blog, I hope you enjoy reading it and write so ideas that I can use or share your own stories about what happen in your school. It is good for people to know that they are not alone.

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